Look, you’ve got people that can’t read and write. I’ve seen some stuff and I can probably go through the filing cabinet there and show you stuff from Year 12 graduates that maybe have the literacy skills of like Year 2 or 3, right, but you give them a mobile phone or a bit of technology and they go mad with it.
A lot of the Ranger groups are using a thing called an I-Tracker now and it’s all prompts and photos and these guys use it like there’s no tomorrow. These are guys who can’t read and write very well. They really – they take to technology really well. So I think when you talk about training, and I want to teach it, I’m an ex-Park Ranger, so everything I do is like practical and skills based. And I look at it as if I – if I had these guys on my park and I had to teach them to do something, how would I do it? Because I need them to be able to do these jobs so I can operate the park and that’s exactly how I try to approach everything.
I guess if I was a teacher I might look at things – if I was a trained teacher I might look at things differently but I think you kind of have to throw it out the window and realise that technology is making things a bit easier for people that can’t read and write and it’s making – it’s changing the way that you will teach people. Do you know what I mean? So you’ve got to – you’ve got to adapt yourself. So it’s pretty easy for me to adapt than what it would be for someone that spent years sitting in the classroom teaching.