You all do training and you are either provided training like on the job you know or even just sitting down saying to someone this is how you do it and this is how you should do it. This is how you shouldn’t do it. And a lot of safety stuff involved I suppose but... There’s – the best way for Aboriginal people and my experience that I have learnt is just do it. Just sit with someone and just do the practical process rather than a written.
I guess I'm speaking from my own experiences. I guess I’ve learnt a lot of my – I’ve learnt a lot of jobs - just actually getting in there and doing it. And the written or the theory stuff sort of comes later, it complements I guess what the practical side of it, whereas non-Indigenous training is written more so than oral and as you would know, our history is based on oral history. Everything we do is based on oral – by word of mouth or by doing. And it’s a clear sign or indication of the two cultures clashing I guess. How we marry those two up though is that great expectation that if someone, a non – an Indigenous person is given a piece of paper, would they be able to read – read that piece of paper and understand fully what is expected of ‘em? And of course if English is your third, fourth, fifth language, which it is in this region, then it’s you know it could be Chinese to them, it could be written in a completely different and mean a completely different thing.
My experience I guess over time has been just that – sitting down, talking to someone either one-on-one or you know pictorially, using pictures. And people – you know I’m not saying that they’re silly, they are definitely not silly but if you see a picture of something, you know a picture says a thousand words, so it just makes it that little bit more clearer I guesss.