Do you think the training is best when it’s directly related to the workplace?
Yes, definitely. Practical – practical training. And I know most institutes try to incorporate practical as well as theory but I think most of our educational institutions it’s more theory. Sorry, it’s more – you know, it’s more of that written and theoretical stuff rather than practical – practical stuff and I know you have to have both; you try to balance both but in my experience and training, Aboriginal people, especially in the public service, is to actually physically go through the process, not just with writing but actually physically you know doing the actual job and then following it up or somehow intertwining, I suppose the theory and the practical use, you know. So do your couple of hours of practical and try to incorporate the theory into it.
Through – as you talk...
As you’re doing. Yeah, yeah. Because you can only relate to doing and then the theory will back that up and vice versa. You know, so yeah, I just – just – I think we just – you get better outcomes and you also instil that confidence as well. People know that they can actually do the job and maybe a little bit lax or a little bit behind in their theory but it will still give that confidence and the, you know the good feeling of wanting to keep going at least. Unfortunately the theory or written stuff is too – is more than the doing part, you tend to lose people's interest. And they will eventually not, like won’t bother turning up to work or – or yeah, continue on with whatever they’re doing. They’re starting all their training.