To work by the essential criteria you’ve got to work to and then you have to develop something that is relatable to people in this community and then you have to deliver it in a mode that’s actually half community and half outside. I mean the work that I do, I tend to organise my materials for what I’ve been given as the assessment guidelines or the criteria of guidelines that I’ve got to teach. I develop my teaching tool and then after that, I actually go into the classroom with a mindset about how I’m adapting that individually for the class I’m dealing with. And if it’s a young group, then I’ll deliver it differently than if it was an older group. If it’s men only then I’ll deliver that slightly differently too. If it’s women only, I’ll deliver it slightly different again. So what I do is I develop my own framework of what I’m delivering and how I’m going to deliver that as a package. But then I also try and meet that community somewhere and meet it in the sense that I can joke with them, that I’ll use terms that belong to them, not to the package or not to me but I will try an reinforce the correct name that I’ve got to use when they’re being assessed, so there’s a point of – a certain amount of literacy that they must learn, a certain database of terms that they must come to grips with but in all that, I’ll still be working with them in the previous experiences they already have embedded in their mind.