Training packages to me are an enormous complex foundation of unwarranted material. Training packages that are trying to teach people how to look after children, because they have to be nationally registered and nationally accredited, therefore a significant amount of information has been developed somewhere else and not relevant to where it’s being trained. Because it’s now national curriculums and I’m sad in the way that I don’t even like national curriculums or national training, national accredited training because it doesn’t seem to have adapted anything to where it’s going to. And it’s like if you look at a – well the National Training Program for preparation to work. It’s a pre-set thing that comes into this community, that’s one thing. The trainer then evolves it into his manner of or her manner of how she does the training which has probably got nothing to do with the community it’s actually going to. It’s sort of like all the training in Wadeye comes from outside. Nothing – no training in Wadeye has actually been evolved for Wadeye to deal for Wadeye. It’s a strange anomaly, but that’s the same way that all training packages work. They come from national standards and a national set of teaching components or whatever and then they go out to wherever they’re training, and that works fine where you’ve got the commonality of the common language, but it’s in English. When you come into a place like Wadeye, which is isolated, it’s only had 70 years of what you call modernisation, it really still is transitioning from where it was to where it could have been and it’s a shame if it actually has to comply with what is considered to be mainstream.