Music as a career I think is something that people would need to think about more here in a way because the options are a little bit harder. You don’t have gear just lying around, you know. We bring all our stuff with us and then we pack up and take the industry away so to speak, you know, whereas if you want to have music as a professional part of your life and not just – it’s also recreational if you want it. You have to plan for that and talk to people that can help you and find out what your options are and I think that trainer could be really helpful in that area if their eyes are open. You know, some people are afraid to look at what other people are doing. I’ve seen that. They are very, very – you know the left hand you know doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. It’s like a lot of organisations I’ve seen that – they all have agendas and their own thing going but they don’t talk to each other very much so it’s limited how they can help each other out, especially in large communities that require governant in a centralised kind of work ethic.
So you’re saying that in your role as a VETlecturer that you can actually be somebody who is cohesive?
Yeah. Well...
Those different organisations.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say you’re going to be the one that does it, I would just say that – well you can look around and give advice to some young guys who are in their 20s who are incredibly talented but doesn’t have a job, doesn’t have a guitar and doesn’t have a place to work and maybe you can impress on these students what options are available to them by your own observation, you know, and I think that’s – it’s part of what you bring to the course. Not everybody would say that that’s their job and fair enough too. But you know why else – I think if you’re going to come out to a community and not be aware of these things, it makes me wonder why you would come out here.