So you said it was time for you, time for you do what?
To educate myself.
Okay. What skills did you want to develop? What did you want to learn?
Numeracy and literacy.
Okay. So why – had you not learnt that at school?
If not, tell me why.
I haven’t learnt that at school because I didn’t really have the opportunity because moving around and feeling uncomfortable, being in schools. This is the first experience I had in one school and the other school. The only place I felt comfortable was going to a Sunday School where my family all get together for Sunday church and everybody – we’re all together and there were all languages speaking there. That’s the only place. And that’s my happy memories of it. And then everything was all self-taught at home but it wasn’t enough and I wasn’t taking it in – the style of it, edu – being educated the Balanda way because I was self-taught in the bush. The – yeah, reading skills and all that, it didn’t work with me, I wasn’t understanding it.