Barry talks about the links between training and Indigenous languages (1:42)

Even outside training programs have a good potential in this community. As long as they’re not driven around – I don’t know, the requirements of outside of this community. In other words, the requirements of outside this community is the literacy. The requirements inside this community – I mean why can’t you have a plumber in Wadeye, who does all his communication and everything in Murrinh-Patha. He’s not dealing with outsiders; he’s dealing with the community who all speak Murrinh-Patha. He should be able to exist as a Murrinh-Patha speaker without having to have everything entailed in his own trade experience based around English. I think that’s where it falls down a bit.

Everyone that lives here in this community, or the majority of people who live here in this community, speak Murrinh-Patha. But they all have a level of English but they’re just not prepared to sacrifice the English gains without the purpose to it, without the practical aspects being included. So if a trainer plumber came in here and started working with a local about plumbing and started to meet his apprenticeship – apprentice half way with what and how they deliver it, in other words the trainer and myself should be going towards Murrinh-Patha, have some knowledge of the language, be able to communicate a little bit back, so that’s one of the things that’s almost essential I think in remote communities, that you have to make more effort to move to where they are rather than expecting that they just have to move totally into English and Western functioning ways of trades skills, or something.