Victor talks about coping with a cyclone as an example of Indigenous knowledge (1:15)

Well, cyclones. If my countrymen go out fishing and I want to rescue them and big cyclone coming up, maybe like from here 10 mile, and I want to go rescue them and suddenly the cyclone come up caught us.  But I told trainer if cyclone spin really hard, on circles, I can’t go back following cyclones where em spinning, I turn around follow in the wind blowing, following wind blowing direction straight up, more it can give me lot of chance to move slowly on left side all the way and when cyclone go past, you can be really safe.  If you go other way around, it throw you inland, a long way.  That’s what I keep saying to countrymen.

And the lecturer that you were working with, the trainer, didn’t know any of this?

Nah nothing.