Victor talks about motivation (2:35)

Why I want to learn from, on the side, just trainer – learning both sides and trying to be leader. I want to be leader for my people because when I look back, I see my people drop down. And I said alright! I’m going to stand for my people. It’s going to be a new generation for countrymen. Learnings and carings – right there.It’s going to be your own enterprise, your own business and keeping close and really strong out there. And people say, “How come you want to be Balanda? How come you keep doing it?” But look,  I’m not going to be like Balanda. I want to stand up for people and future and your living. For your work, for your family. Build them up your own enterprise, your own things, in your own communities. More outsider, Balanda or government can recognise what you’re doing there. And they’ll say, “Alright, it’s the first – first time Bininj mob doing it we'll support these mob. Never know, other mob Bininj see it what I’m doing and they can get up and do it, same things.

Other things, saving up money.  Money in Bininj ways that's not our culture. What I said earlier, we are sharing and caring one another. But in the way, myself if things have to be changed, how to save money, to build them up your career, your strong leaderships, how to save money. How to save money to send children school and tucker and created jobs. You can build em up that money to created more jobs for your own peoples. But I can see it in my side, to be a strong leader and strong people.